
This is my journey into indie publishing, writing ADHD fiction while living ADHD reality. I share excerpts, thoughts and ideas about ADventures Heading up and Down, my novel in progress. Up-and-down progress.

I hope you'll join me!



ADHD Fantasy Writing Challenge - Day 19: Marketing with ADHD

Top: a dog curiously sniffing a kitten; bottom: the dog licking the kitten.

Self-publishing comes with self-marketing. That's a fact, I know that. I hate marketing. That's another fact I know. What I love is mostly creative stuff: writing is creative. So is designing. Well, branding is too. And copywriting... wait a minute...

Turns out, I love everything about marketing but the idea. And there's marketing with ADHD for you: plan, design, write text, write copy, enjoy, and completely forget your goal while you're at it. Hmm. That's why I find myself constantly rearranging my website.

Sometimes, once you get to know some little nuisance, you realize it's actually something you enjoy nurturing.

P.S. A bit of marketing: check out my readers' club, and read a free story!