
This is my journey into indie publishing, writing ADHD fiction while living ADHD reality. I share excerpts, thoughts and ideas about ADventures Heading up and Down, my novel in progress. Up-and-down progress.

I hope you'll join me!



ADHD Fantasy Writing Challenge - Day 18: ADHD Self-Publishing

A girl climbing a rocky terrain

As time progressed, and the novel with it, I began to consider publishing. The search "traditional vs. self-publishing" yields many pros and cons in both ends, but I had a strange feeling reading it.

Let me clear that up: I'm not a control freak. I have way too many decisions to make daily, monthly and lifely, and so am happy with any decision made for me. Except for really crucial ones. Like those related to things I create. The freedom in being my book's sole manager was simply too shiny to give up.

I think it's very ADHD to self-do things. Struggling with outside demands will do that: you develop your own solutions, your own way of doing things, and it isn't necessarily compatible with other people's ways. With "normal" ways.

Plus, it's a whole new world to plunge into. Tons to learn, tons to do. Novelty. Challenge... seems like the Indie path has "ADHD" written all over it!

Image: venturing into new terrain.

Curious about ADHD fantasy? - Read my free story, Distracted Magic!